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Domain 2

2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

While student teaching my goal was to create an environment of respect and positive rapport. To the left is a clip of a discussion where students display respect and positive rapport to the classroom community. 

2b Establishing a Culture for Learning

In order for classrooms to run smoothly, the teacher must prepare and plan accordingly. To the left is a classroom management plan I created from my coursework at Rutgers University. 

2c Managing Classroom Procedures

Each class started off with a Do Now assignment for students to complete as a daily classroom ritual, which also served as a classroom management strategy. To the right is an example of a typical Do Now task in my clinical internship. 

2d Managing Student Behaviors 

Domain 2d.HEIC

Students participated in daily check-ins to discuss their dance skills through a virtual lens. I believe that open communication with students and responding to their needs is the best way to manage behavior. 

2e Organizing Physical Space 

A safe classroom welcomes each and every student; in September creating a socially distanced, organized space provided each dancer to comfortably move and tap into their artistry. 

Domain 2e.HEIC
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